How we managed to increase CTR and turbocharge our clients’ Google campaigns

How we managed to increase CTR and turbocharge our clients' Google campaigns
Imagem: Pexels/George Morina

One of the most critical metrics in digital marketing actions is to increase CTR, which is the biggest desire of those who carry out ad campaigns on Google. 

In all Google ad campaigns, CTR (Click Through Rate) is the primary metric to tell us an ad’s relevance among its target audience. 

And in the quest to improve online ad performance, this metric is even more critical. It will make the SEO professional understand whether the investment in the campaign is paying off or not.

The CTR indicator can also impact another metric, the CPC (Cost per Click), which determines how much the campaign uses of the budget for each click the user makes on the ads.

How important is it to track the CTR of campaigns on Google?

It is essential to follow the reports and analyze the CTR of campaigns to make the necessary changes when any of them does not perform as expected. 

Tracking the Click Through Rate of campaigns can be one of the secrets to ranking on Google, as it can directly influence the quality score. The IQ calculation performed by Google Ads determines your ads’ ranking.

In addition, considering the click-through rate index, it is possible to see the ad structure, photos, offers, and call-to-actions that are bringing better performance to your campaign. 

How to understand CTR numbers?

To understand the CTR indicator, it is necessary to remember that the different campaign models will have different results. 

Search Ads will not perform as well as Display Ads.

The reason is that display ads aim to get more views, while search ads aim to get clicks. 

In addition, analyzing the CTR will be more relevant in campaigns aimed at conversion, as it indicates the number of people interested in what is being advertised. 

And what is the ideal CTR? It depends on the niche market. Several SEO experts believe that 3% is a satisfactory average for the click-through rate, but the ideal is to compare with other companies in the same segment to know if your average is favorable or not.

The calculation is quite simple to know the percentage of your Click Through Rate. The formula refers to the number of clicks divided by the number of ad views. The result of this division is multiplied by 100. 

If your ad has 50 clicks but 5,000 impressions, your CTR is 1%. The closer the number between the two indicators, the better the CTR.

How can I increase the CTR of my campaigns?

If the Click Through Rate is low, it usually means an inefficient ad, which can be for various reasons. 

Uninteresting titles, incorrectly targeted audiences, or wrong choice of keywords can be the significant reasons your ad isn’t working as well as you want. 

There are a few ways to improve the performance of your campaigns and increase CTR. Check out some relevant actions in the campaigns the Gluz agency carried out!

1. Have your campaign objective allied with the needs of your target audience

If your click-through rate is low, you need to understand the needs of your audience and why your ads are irrelevant. A tip is to research how people search for your product or service.

Access Google’s services, such as the keyword planner or Google Trends, to help you map what your audience is looking for.

After a search, make the necessary changes to your ad to test if it is more relevant to the audience you are trying to reach.

2. Use specific keywords in some campaigns

In order to attract the attention of users, use more specific keywords. For example, instead of “professional photographer,” put “wedding photographer” or other more specific variations.

The ideal is to find the balance between specifying the keywords a little but not making the ad too specific not to limit its reach.

And if you have a blog on your website, take the opportunity to use the primary keyword in the title and body of the text. But, the implementation must be natural; it cannot seem forced.

Check out how we implemented a specific keyword in the text and managed to attract the reader’s attention to quote the health plan. In the example below, achieved an excellent number of CTA clicks, converting readers into leads. Look!

 specific keywords

Know that the more you can make your page’s user experience positive, the more clicks you’ll get!

3. Use elements such as call-to-action to attract the audience’s attention

Some triggers are frequently used to increase CTR, such as discounts, urgency or time shortage triggers, lists and solutions, and impactful call-to-actions.

The headline and CTA are:

  • The essential parts of the ad.
  • Having to attract attention.
  • Generating curiosity in the user to make him click on the link. 

Below is an example applied to one of the agency’s clients, Gluz Digital, Smartia Seguros:

Imagem: Smartia Seguros

Ad CTAs should, in turn, be consistent with the landing page. If you want the customer to take advantage of a specific promotion, your CTA must align with that objective. 

In the example above, the CTA is on the Smartia website blog page, with the following topic covered: “Renault Duster auto insurance price list,” and the call to action offers the option of a personalized quote. 

Thus, the user who is interested in taking out vehicle insurance and wants to know how much he will pay can quote on the page of the article he is reading.

Therefore, the action must be carried out nearly on the landing page so that users do not get lost along the way and give up on the conversion.

4. Test different calls

Test different calls
Imagem: SeguroAuto

It’s important to test different headlines and analyze your audience’s reaction if you want to increase your CTR. Considering this, we tested different call models to attract the customer’s click.

On one of Gluz Digital’s client sites, we tried several ways to identify what the user is looking for. On each page, it was imperative to find out what benefit the user would find by quoting online.

So, we designed the calls with several factors; in each one, we used precisely what would attract the user’s attention the most. That is variety, security, agility, economy, and others.

See some examples of calls we made at SeguroAuto that brought positive results!

  1. Quote with 10 insurers;
  2. See how to get the best auto insurance;
  3. Quote in 30 seconds;
  4. Save on the price of auto insurance;
  5. Take our test and find out which auto insurance best fits your profile;
  6. Quote your auto insurance and receive excellent guidance;
  7. Make your insurance simulation to save and get the cheapest auto insurance in just a few steps. Check out good tips!
  8. Learn how to choose the best auto insurance.

Analyze if the calls are attracting the attention of your page readers, turning them into leads. For this, you can count on some results measurement tools, such as Analytics. 

Also, know that you can create different headlines depending on the type of text published.

Be sure to take advantage of every opportunity. See in the image below how we have included a call to action in the middle of the text:

How we managed to increase CTR and turbocharge our clients' Google campaigns
Imagem: SeguroAuto

And you can even add the callouts to the sides of the text, beginning or beginning, always considering your audience’s experience. 

call SEO
Imagem: SeguroAuto

Create a story on top of calls to attract more leads. Another important tip is to research what your competitors are doing and, thus, find out what the consumer is looking for.

5. Grab your audience’s attention on search engines with good titles and meta descriptions

Meta titles and descriptions are essential to attracting your audience. So use your creativity, together with the right strategies, for example, SEO. 

To convert your ad into clicks, seek to differentiate yourself from the competition, but focus on your main niche. Also, be sure to use the main keyword and as many secondary ones as possible, remembering to include them naturally.

Below, I’ve selected an example of a catchy meta title and description that attracted many users to the website of one of the digital marketing agency’s clients, Gluz. Notice the use of the main keyword, “how to speak Italian,” and the use of another strong keyword related to the theme: “Italian expressions.” 

titles and meta descriptions

Numbers help attract the reader, that is, titles such as: “5 reasons to hire a medical insurance”.

Also, remember that the current user wants quick fixes. So, please answer the questions and deliver something that makes them want to click on your ad.

Understand that, although SEO techniques are fundamental to organic search, being able to increase your CTR contributes a lot to your page ranking. After all, clicks result in more traffic to your page, making your content relevant to the user.

The importance of meta description on websites

Among the various information in search engines, perhaps the meta description is one of the most important. It works as a site summary and helps to increase the number of Google clicks to your site. 

Even though the meta description is not a factor influencing Google’s ranking, the public needs to convince themselves to enter that link. 

If the user searches for a term that is present in your description, it will appear in bold, increasing the chances of clicking on that link. If you don’t make a meta description for your site, Google will select a summary of some page on your site. 

This makes it possible to carry out strategic actions, such as the most searched keywords in your field of activity. So setting up a meta description is an integral part of your SEO strategy.

How the meta description can convert the reader into a lead

We tested several calls to understand what people are looking for when making an online auto insurance quote. Thus, according to our research, we noticed that the highest CTR was obtained in articles, such as those on insurance rankings, in which we pointed out the 10 best. 

We also noticed that the best conversions to leads were from clicks on articles about the cheapest insurance. 

See the image below for an example of a meta description we used for one of Gluz Digital’s clients that generated positive results. Note that in addition to offering the possibility of comparing prices with several insurers and hiring the cheapest insurance, the user can get a quick quote:

How the meta description can convert the reader into a lead

Furthermore, mentioning ‘free/free quote’ is not a considerable appeal, as people do not pay to get insurance quotes. After all, the auto insurance quote is free; there is no paid quote. Therefore, consider these points when making your meta description, that is, pay attention to irrelevant information. 

By doing this analysis, it is possible to identify what your user is looking for and which topics convert readers into leads the most. That is, users who are attracted by specific titles and who click on the CTA to get a car insurance quote when reading the content of the published text.

But, remember to offer a simple tool that speeds up the hiring/purchasing of your product. After all, the new consumer’s profile wants to ‘now,’ is more demanding, and is always in a hurry.

Analyze the results

To check if your meta description is getting positive results, you can check its performance in Google Search Console by comparing the number of clicks with the number of impressions.

If the number of impressions is much higher than the number of clicks, it is a sign that something is wrong and thinking about a better meta description is the first step to ensuring that more and more people access your page. 

Search Console also provides your site’s average CTR percentage information, making it an excellent tool for analyzing search campaigns.

Do these analyzes and changes each time you think your campaign’s CTR is low and see positive results.

So, now you know how to increase CTR and boost campaigns on Google. Put these tips into practice!

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