About Me

The CV

I’m a Copywriter, SEO Specialist & Co-Founder of Vemm. Vemm is a lead generation start-up, which was acquired in April 2015 by Quinstreet (NASDAQ: QNST), one of the leading online marketing performance companies in the world.

I’m passionate about growing websites from scratch until they rank prominently on relevant Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) – and that is precisely what I have committed to doing. I have used my SEO & Content knowledge while working with other digital marketing strategies to grow organic traffic and build brands online.

My humble beginnings

I started out by writing for Search Engines, asking just 5 USD through a freelancer platform to write an SEO article about Blackjack for a small client in India for the Brazilian market. This was my first project and I will never forget it.

Then, I began to push my online career and freelancing business, providing copywriting, translation and SEO work through Upwork (previously Odesk). My consistency at delivering excellence saw me named as one of 10 Best Copywriters & Translators for Hire in 2013/2014. As I continued working, I learned and improved, and I can say today that I am proud to have worked with the most successful brands in the world. 

My Experiences

I’m proud to have worked with several leading businesses around the world and across multiple continents. I’ve lived in four countries, worked both in South America and Europe (Brazil and Britain precisely), spent three years in Prague and four years in Portugal and in each of these cases, I adapted to the local lifestyle.

My client history includes working with Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Babbel, ExpressVPN, Kaspersky, Avon, Lufthansa,, Crocs, Volkswagen, Corona,, John Deree, BBC, Heineken, Bulgari, Jaguar, Sotheby’s, YouTube, D&AD, Cannes Lions and others.

While in Brazil, I worked as a creative copywriter in the top advertising agencies in Florianopolis, south of Brazil. Agencies like Propague, D-Araujo, and Quadra. Working remotely, I helped build several websites for financial services. I also worked for businesses in highly competitive markets such as auto insurance, health insurance, loans, and travel products. Several of these sites have gone on to achieve top rankings in Google and are generating several dozen thousands of organic leads per month.

I eventually went on to startmy sole business agency- Gluz.That’s how it all started, and if I look back, I can tell you that I would have many stories to tell you. Today, I have skills, a wealth of experience and accolades to my name. It’s been a challenging but fun journey, which I’m looking forward to continuing.

Guilherme da Luz

Brazilian Copywriter





Web Content


