5 Secrets to Ranking on Google

5 Secrets to Ranking on Google
Imagem de Firmbee por Pixabay

Being at the top of the rankings is the goal of those who own an online business. But how to achieve this success? See what strategies we use and discover the secrets to ranking on Google!

Being on the front page of search engines, like Google, is the goal of companies in different niches. After all, that’s where most clicks are.

But, what are the secrets to ranking on Google, having a great performance without being penalized? The first thing you should know is that it will take a lot of dedication, creativity and persistence.

That’s because there is no single formula that you can always use, as Google’s algorithm is constantly changing. So, to reach the top positions in the search engines, you need to follow a few steps.

And nothing better than to rely on the tips of those already at the top, agree? To help you, we selected here the strategies used by the Gluz Digital team that placed its customers in the top positions on Google. Check out!

How to climb google rankings?

For the specialist in lead generation of financial products, SEO and digital marketing, Guilherme da Luz, founder of Gluz Digital, for a brand to reach the top positions in search engines, it is important to go beyond investing in strong and competitive keywords .

Although this is an essential resource, a whole set of SEO needs to be worked on, says the digital marketing expert. Here are some tips selected by the Gluz Digital team that contribute to putting the agency’s clients at the top of the search engines!

Learn the basics about Google’s positioning algorithm

The first thing is to get to know Google’s search algorithm, as it goes through hundreds of changes per year. So, so that your site is not penalized and is always in the top positions in search engines, it is important to be within the rules.

Some of the most striking updates to the Google algorithm were:

  • Panda (2011)
  • Penguin (2012)
  • Hummingbird (2013)
  • Pigeon (2014)
  • Rankbrain (2015)
  • EAT (2019)
  • Favicon and Position 0 (2020)

Invest in the right keywords and learn how to apply them

Want to know how to achieve incredible results? Focus on the right keywords!

To do this, consider working on top of the main keyword and thus include synonyms for your content. But beware! Do not let your content get tiring for the reader by repeating the main keyword several times.

That won’t help you reach the top of the seekers. But use them according to the amount of words in your content. For example, for a text with 500 words, you can use three times the main text and invest in variations of it by the content.

Make it a rule to include the main keyword in the first paragraph, title and subtitle, mainly. In addition, do not compromise fluency, as well as the content, leaving it out of context.

Remember that variations can be plural, singular, and synonymous. This will give you better quality content.

When searching for the words to add to the content and what your persona is looking for, consider the best tools. Among them:

  • Keyword Explorer;
  • Answer the Public;
  • Semrush;
  • Ubersuggest;
  • Ahrefs.

But know that volume is not everything. Then look for words that take your audience to the sales funnel. Keep in the name of the main keywords that attract qualified leads, not the ones that drive the most traffic.

For example, for one of Gluz Digital’s customers, Smartia Seguros, the keyword ‘HB20 insurance price’ is at zero position. When accessing the content, the user will find both the answer to your question and relevant information.

And that’s exactly what attracts the reader and contributes to a company generating leads. See in the image below:

5 Secrets to Ranking on Google

Figure 1 – The image above shows the search result for (Insurance Price for HB20 2020) and Google shows the average price in Brazilian Reais.

Optimize SEO on-page

We at Gluz Digital focus on content marketing to attract leads to our customers’ pages. Among the strategies worked by our team is on-page SEO optimization.

By working the keyword on the content, optimizing the images and the entire structure, such as goal description and others, we were able to reach the first positions in the search engines.


  • Optimize title tags;
  • Accurately describe the page title;
  • Fill out the meta-description with attractive content;
  • Make internal link;
  • Have a descriptive URL with the main keyword;
  • Optimize images with: file name, alt text and make it light;
  • Work the Headings (H1 to H6) once using the main keyword in one subtitle and variations in the other subtitles.

Below is an example of how optimized image can help attract leads!

  • This example shows a Google search with the keyword ‘cheap auto insurance’ in which Gluz customers appear in the first and second image option. Be aware that this is only possible when the file name and alt text fill is performed with the main keyword.

5 Secrets to Ranking on Google

Figure 2 – The image above shows the search result for (cheap auto insurance) and Google shows optimized images.

  • See in this other example, the search with the keyword ‘seguro auto barato’. In this, in addition to Smartia Seguros being zero position, the research shows the related image. This makes the content even more attractive and flashy to the reader:

How to be in the top positions in search engines

Figure 3 – The image above shows the search result for (reliable auto insurance) and Google shows the 7 most reliable insurance companies to hire.

  • Below, the example of content from Gluz agency clients that has been updated and optimized. For the keyword ‘seguro auto barato’. The website is in the first position and in second position in Google. Look:

How to be in the top positions in search engines

Figure 4 – The image above shows the search result for (cheap auto insurance) and Google shows cheap insurance options to hire.

Update your content

By updating your key content, i.e. with strong keywords that are in the middle position, you can add new content, and update information and invest in the optimization techniques above.

By updating and optimizing your content where the keyword is ranking, your post will rise positions. For example, if you have content that’s on the second or third page on Google, this update might put you in the top positions.

Don’t forget that in addition to updating your text information and including new content, you should invest in SEO On-page.

This is a strategy that works, and we have done it with several pages of our customers. Below is an example of pages that are in position zero and position 1 on Google, from the Gluz Digital client.

The search is for the keyword ‘safe Ka’. So, when potential leads look for this information, they find the optimized pages of SeguroAuto and Smartia Seguros:

How to be in the top positions in search engines

Figure 5 – The image above shows the search result for (ford Ka insurance) and Google shows the average insurance price in brazilian reais

The above examples are of content:

  • title: Preço médio do seguro do Ford Ka. Published on: 23/10/2016 and last updated on 31/01/2021.
  • title: Tabela de preço do seguro auto Ford Ka. Published on 11/10/2019 and last updated on 02/24/2021. 

Work with Link Building

Betting on strategies to rank your site and bet on Link Building is to improve the authority of your page. Getting backlinks is increasing your site’s popularity in search engines, generating more traffic and getting the best positions.

We at Gluz Digital invest in strong partnerships to have our customers’ links on other sites. That is, among our secrets to rank on Google, we have as partners consolidated sites and with domain authority. But we don’t just invest in it.

When working with Link Building strategies, you can:

  • Invest in guest posts

Prospect backlinks, recounting partnerships that have to do with your niche. After all, your backlink should naturally enter the text;

  • Check results measurement metrics

You can track your results using tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Google Search Console, for example.

  • Participate in forums

There are many forums that accept the placement of links as sources to give more credibility to the answers. It is important to select the subjects of your website’s niche in order not to be banned for spamming. Also, try to participate with information that adds to the post, adding your link naturally.

So, ready to use the above strategies and rank in the searches of the largest search site? Have you used some of these secrets on your site to rank on Google? Comment!

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