Qualified leads: SEO expert gives 6 tips to leverage your business

Qualified leads: SEO expert gives 6 tips to leverage your business
Imagem de Tammy Duggan-Herd por Pixabay

Learn how to invest in qualified leads with tips from SEO specialist and founder of Gluz Digital, Guilherme da Luz.

Guilherme da Luz is a specialist in financial product lead generation, as well as co-founder of Vemm (among the leading lead generation companies in the country and which, due to its enormous success, was acquired by QuinStreet, Nasdaq QNST), gives tips for generating qualified leads.

Luz has already generated more than 5 million organic leads, and today it helps more websites to gain qualified leads through its agency, Gluz Digital.

Here are some selected tips that will help you achieve the expected result.

How to invest in qualified leads

To make sales and make offers promoting to the right people, it is important to have customer contact information. But, many companies cannot achieve the results they want by choosing to buy this ready-made relationship. 

Lead lists come with promises, but the objective of capturing these potential customers is not always the same as the company’s, which results in an ineffective investment. After all, the risk is great of bothering customers with unwanted contact. 

Therefore, to invest in generating qualified leads, you need to have your channels and offer something in return. That is, when something is offered that is of interest to the customer, he will end up giving up his data. 

Thus, the company can obtain potential customers, identifying their profiles to make more assertive offers. And to help you in this step, Guilherme da Luz provided some tips. 

Check out what they are and invest in these ways to ensure good sales! 

1. Focus on SEO with long-tail keywords 

The first tip is the importance of SEO to rank well, reaching your audience through search engines. After all, being in the top positions in search engines is an excellent way to attract customer attention. 

But to get qualified leads, you must invest in marketing strategies to exchange desired information. For this, working with long-tail keywords helps get more accurate results in search engines, which helps to convert better. 

Also, it is important to deliver beyond what the reader has researched. This means always offering something more so that he can delve deeper into the topic. And for that, make use of some resources, like an e-book. 

2. Host a webinar 

To interact more with your audience, you can offer content differently. Among them, webinars are great for engaging people interested in your content. 

Thus, your company maintains direct contact, solving doubts and writing down questions raised by them through the chat. And to attract even more people, partner with a specialized company or professional. 

Take advantage of signing up to join your webinar to capture qualified leads. 

3. Use social networks 

To get qualified leads, you can use social media to your advantage. But, it is necessary to use a different strategy in each one of them to obtain better results. 

Among the tips, you can direct the posts to other content and, thus, ask for information, such as the email address, and then give access. 

In the case of YouTube, or other networks with videos, you can enjoy all the resources, whether links in the description, use of cards, end screen, and even comments commented during the video, in addition to others. 

If you choose sponsored ads, pay attention to the use of filters so that it doesn’t look like forced advertising. That is, leaving them very natural on the visitor’s page. Thus, the chances of resulting in a click will be higher. 

4. Invest in questionnaires 

Among the strategies that bring good results are questionnaires and surveys. By using these paths and helping people get an answer to their questions, you can still get information that will nourish your lead. 

Take advantage of the fact that many people like to answer surveys and questionnaires to get answers and request useful data for your business. Thus, your website will provide the final answer after providing the user’s email, for example. 

5. Offer extra content 

When writing for your blog, go beyond the information your customer wants. You can invest in a pop-up with extra content that attracts your reader. 

Among the options are podcasts and e-books, which will be available after the reader leaves a contact email. Thus, it is possible to capture potential customers, as you can identify their interest in certain content or product. 

See an example of the e-book created and published for our Smartia client:

Qualified leads: SEO expert gives 6 tips to leverage your business
Image: Smartia Seguros

This image shows a page from the Smartia Seguros portal, with a call to action to download an E-book with auto insurance tips. But to achieve this action on the page, we invested in a catchy theme for the content, attractive to the public: “How does auto insurance work”.

6. Partner with customers 

In digital marketing, you can make your customers recommend your product to other people. This is a great way to get qualified leads. 

But, how do you get your customers to refer friends, and you get access to people who are interested in what you have to offer? You need to offer something in return, like exclusive content. 

Guilherme also reinforces that “For this to happen as planned, it is important to always have post-sales feedback, after all, people need to be satisfied to recommend others. In this case, having a space for evaluations can be very useful and it will also serve for those who are looking for information to have confidence in the company and provide their data when they are requested.” 

Therefore, to get qualified leads, it is important to invest in the tips mentioned here, aligning them with your brand’s goals and culture.

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