How To Increase Sales By Focusing On Content Marketing

Como aumentar as vendas em 2021 focando em marketing de conteúdo
Imagem de Diggity Marketing por Pixabay

The promotion of content on the internet has been one of the very important sales strategies, including for e-commerce. Here’s how to increase sales by focusing on content marketing!

Establishing yourself in the market is one of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs, especially when it comes to the internet. With a sea of ​​companies and stores offering their products on the web, it’s hard to stand out and win customers.

Being on the internet today is already a necessity for companies, and many still don’t know how to have a profitable online presence. Content marketing, for example, is present in the sales strategies of several companies that stand out in the market. 

In addition to establishing your brand and connecting with your target audience, this type of strategy can increase your sales. Understand!

Content Marketing And The Sales Funnel

Content marketing consists of a strategy that aims to relate to customers by disseminating content to consumers who are at different stages of the shopping journey, engaging with your target audience and growing your network of potential customers.

The sales funnel is a metaphor used to divide consumers into the stages of the buying process. It is portrayed as a broad-based, short-bottomed funnel to demonstrate the different quantities that go through the purchase stages, namely discovery (or learning), consideration and decision (in this case, purchase).

For all stages of the funnel, one of the goals of content marketing is to show your product and everything it can do for people, whether to fulfill a wish, solve a problem or solve a need. The content marketing strategy must take the consumer through all stages of the funnel, resulting in the purchase.

Below you will see some tips and practical examples of strategies used by the digital agency Gluz that are giving satisfactory results. 

How To Build A Content Marketing Strategy?

To carry out a content marketing strategy, it is recommended to follow a few steps.

  • Persona Development

The persona would be the personification of your target audience, it represents the profile of your customer and it is to her that you will direct your content.

  • Content Creation

In this step you will create your content in different formats that are relevant and attractive to your audience. Your content can be text, blog posts, social media posts, informative images, infographics, videos, among others.

After creating it, it is necessary to select and distribute it in the channels that your persona is in, such as blogs, email lists and social networks.

  • Measurement of Results

Measure the data to verify that your content strategy and actions are working, to make the necessary changes.

These steps are essential for anyone looking for tips on how to increase sales.

How to create content for each stage of the sales funnel

One of the most used strategies that has a greater chance of generating qualified leads is the ability to create content for each stage of the sales funnel.

At each stage, the audience will have a different mindset, looking for different information and behaving differently online. That’s why it’s so important to guide content production to each part of the funnel.

1. Content For The First Stage – Discovery

This is the attraction stage and will be the first form of contact between the public and your brand. The blog post can be used to attract consumers. So, use content that answers the questions of the general public, with tips, guides, objective and direct answers.

Videos are one of the best formats for top-of-the-funnel content. Short and objective videos clarifying doubts, making a tutorial involving your product to attract users. So, if you’re looking for ways on how to increase sales, invest in video production.

Check out a successful example of one of Gluz’s clients below

  • The example below is from the YouTube channel of the website, managed by the team of the digital agency Gluz. The video is short and to the point, with useful tips on how to get cheaper auto insurance. Look!
Como aumentar as vendas em 2021 focando em marketing de conteúdo
Imagem: canal

In addition to having a fully niche-focused title, the content is highly qualified. That is, it offers integrated visual and auditory information, which contribute to the transmission of the message and, thus, to the involvement of the public.

In the image above you can see the number of views for the video, as well as the number of likes it received. This demonstrates the quality of the content presented. 

In addition, you can also work on the video description, including links to your page and strong keywords. 

Como aumentar as vendas em focando em marketing de conteúdo
Imagem: Canal

In the case of the blog, having this category on your website, regardless of your brand’s niche, is essential. By investing in relevant content, you will get benefits such as:

  • Facilitate the sales process;
  • Improve your relationship with customers and leads;
  • Be better ranked in search engines, thus being among the first positions;
  • Among others.

So keep in mind that content engages and makes your company create authority. In addition, investing in content makes your company seen by the public as a reference on the subject. 

These content strategies make a difference when making a decision to buy or purchase services. 

2. Content for the Second Stage – Consideration

At this stage, the consumer is not a newcomer to your blog/website/social networks. It is at this stage that the unknown consumer becomes a qualified lead and approaches the final stage, the purchase.

Content for this stage can involve longer blog posts, e-books and infographics, with more in-depth content, but still answering audience questions.

Imagem: SeguroAuto

3. Bottom of Funnel Content – ​​Purchase

The content for this step must convince the consumer, who is almost becoming your customer, to finalize the purchase. Customer cases and product reviews , as well as free demos and tests of your product can be great content to convert into more sales.

Check out the insurance quote tool provided by the Gluz customer. See also the quote table created by the team and which offers the possibility for the reader to have an average price that he will be able to pay for the protection of his car. 

conteúdo que converte em vendas

So, now you know how to increase sales with content marketing. In addition, he had access to different successful sales strategies. So just invest and apply each of them to increase your online sales.

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